Teaching Aptitude - UGC NET Paper - 1


  • It means making judgement or a process of collecting evidences of behavioral changes and judging the directions and extent of such changes.
  • It’s both quantitative and qualitative system.
  • It is a way to check both the academic and non-academic aspects of student’s personality.
  • It helps students as well as teachers to bring desirable changes in their respective parts to get the desired results.

                                    IMPORTANT ELEMENTS OF EVALUATION



  • This is done at the beginning of the teaching learning process.
  • It diagnoses the causes of problems in teaching.
  • It is done to find specific weakness of students.
  • It can be done at individual or class level.
  • It helps in designing the curricula in order to match the learner’s ability to understand the concepts.



Paul black is considered to be the main proponent of this concept.

The major purpose of formative evaluation is to find the strengths and weakness of the students. The findings of formative evaluation help in getting desired results for students.

  • It concentrates on improvement of student’s achievements.
  • It provides feedback.
  • It includes class tests, unit tests, quizzes, assignments.
  • It is an important part of teaching learning process.



The major purpose is classification and promotion of students.

  • It passes certificates and passing judgements on students.
  • It concentrates on measurement of student’s achievement.
  • It is done at the end of academic session.
  • It doesn’t provide feedback.
  • It includes term tests, annual tests and external examinations.
  • It gives result of the teaching learning process.


DYSCALCULIA: this disorder includes when a student suffers from difficulty in understanding mathematics, arithmetical operations, signs, etc.

DYSGRAPHIA: this disorder includes problems related to handwriting and leads to poor handwriting, inconsistent spacing and wrong spellings etc.

DYSLEXIA: this disorder is related to problems in reading like in recognizing and understanding letters and words, low fluency etc.

DYSPHASIA/APHASIA: this includes difficulty in understanding a spoken language.


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