• ICT is an acronym which stands for INFORMATION and COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY. 
  • It was coined by Stevenson in 1997.
  • ICT deals with technology and covers all the technologies which are used in it. 
  • It deals with storage, communication and processing. 
  • It includes all those things which store, retrieve or receive any information in a digital form. 
  • For example: computers, digital TVs, Radio, Internet, emails.


ICT has changed the way how people see the world in last two decades. It has enhanced the business and personal lives of the people.

Better Communication: It saves time and money because it is much quicker to share information around.

Cost Effectiveness: the devices under ICT are far cheaper now than in the past. Such as skype, twitter, facebook etc.

Greater Availability: the websites are always available for communication every moment.

Creating jobs: one of the most important advantage of ICT. It has created new and interesting jobs in IT sector.

 Computers: It has helped the individuals in fast access to every information and gaining knowledge. It has high speed, accuracy, versatility and large storage capacity which makes work easy.

TV’s and Radios: They help in providing updated and current information to the people. They are cheap and are part of passive media (can use them while doing anything).

Newspapers and periodicals: These tools help individuals gaining information about current political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the world. They are also cheap and easily accessible.


Lack of Security and Privacy: ICT has also brought privacy and security issues. Such as email hacking, phone signal interception etc.

Unemployment: due to excess use of computers and electronics the human labor is getting ignored therefore increase in unemployment.

Computers: they are taking place of humans in the job field. Hence replacing individuals and increasing unemployment in the society.

Cyber Bulling: it has become so easy to bully and mock people in social media all over the world. There have been so many cases regarding cyber bullying with harmful consequences today.


ICT IN EDUCATION: ICT can be a very crucial tool for every single subject of the curriculum if used properly. It is used to enhance existing teaching and learning practices with new tools.

It promotes good quality of education and enable education reforms. It empowers teachers and learners with new skills. It helps in motivation for learning.

For example: new ways of training like Computer assisted instruction and Computer based training.

ICT IN BUSINESS: ICT has become very popular in the business field. It has permeated now in all aspects of business and the economy. It is known to be the significant tool to increase profit and productivity.

IN THE FIELD OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE: ICT is very crucial for science and medicine field. The scientists easily conduct their research more effectively with the help of computers.

Along with this, medicine field has also become electronically driven and computer based. Computers are used for planning and control purposes by health professionals.. 


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